Accountants, physicians, investment advisors, attorneys and other professionals benefit from a brand story


Are you an accountant? A physician? An investment advisor? An attorney?

These professionals and others benefit from sharing their brand story, though it is usually the furthest from their minds. They are focused on delivering the services they offer. But without a solid client base, they could experience vacancies in their business.

The point of a solid brand story is to build trust and connections with current and future clients. Your story is who you are and what you represent.

Take the accounting firms known as the Big Four: Deloitte, Ernst & Young Global Limited (EY), KPMG International Limited, and PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited (PwC). All began in the nineteenth century; they have innovated and merged over the years but are still going strong today.

Reading the background and history of these organizations is not only fascinating, but gives an insight into how they began, the minds that founded them, and who they serve. The brand story is the foundation of their operations to build trusting relationships.

While today’s independent professionals do not have a century old story, they still have a story. Their story is their origin, and their past can give a lot of comprehension into where they are today, as well as why they are the best person to serve their clients’ needs.

If you are an independent professional, how can your story increase awareness, build a solid client base, and increase your profits?

With your limited time available, how can you market yourself to clients?

What key elements do you need in your brand story?


Simplify your marketing to increase awareness

There are an abundance of marketing tools that businesses can use to elevate their visibility. But as an independent professional focused on your clients, your time is limited.

That is why your brand story is imperative in keeping you on track, focused, and strategic in your marketing. Your brand story is your foundation. Once you have your story in place and mapped out, you can use elements of it in your marketing and brand building.

Two areas that should receive the most attention: your website, and your e-newsletter. Neither need be complicated, but those are the two marketing tools you own and the two most viewed for information from potential clients.

Your website is your overall portfolio, which gives people the who, what, where, and why. It is a snapshot of you. All of your pages will reflect your story and your About page is an important piece of information that will give them your background and trust building goal you desire.

An additional marketing tool you should consider is case studies, which is a short story specific to addressing a client’s needs (as long as they agree and it’s not personal or confidential). After all, you likely seek accolades and testimonials to add to your site. A case study is simply a longer testimonial.


4 Key elements for your brand story

There are four key elements you should consider for your brand story to get you started.

(1) What is your purpose? Why do you exist? Why did you choose this profession?

(2) What is the trend connection? What changes do you see? What do your clients, patients, etc., experience that lead them to you?

(3) What is your emotional connection with your client base? Again — why do you do what you do and how does that affect them? How can you fill their emotional needs? Calm them?

(4) Your meaningful value proposition. Why are you the right person to help them? What experience(s) do you offer? Skills? Human connection?

Details for each key can be read by clicking on the links. These four keys are the basics to shaping your personal brand story, something that cannot be duplicated by your competition.

(To get you started on shaping your brand story, download the free PDF: “10 Questions to Ask Yourself to Find Your Story”)

Independent professionals, such as accountants, physicians, attorneys, and investment advisors benefit from sharing their brand story. Their brand story helps build trust and connections with current and future clients. Despite limited time available to spend on marketing, they can be visible by keeping their marketing simple, and focusing on the 4 key elements of their brand story.

Need help telling your business or author story? My brand training helps you live your brand by recognizing your story and learning how to use it effectively to enhance engagement and increase sales. Find out more here and book a call with me!