In the world of authors, there are usually two kinds of writers: outliners and pantsers. Outliners are writers who, before they compose their novel, article, or other story, create an outline to keep them moving in the right direction. Pantsers are writers who sit down and just start writing by the seat of their pants. There is typically no formal format, just an idea in their heads they want to get out before they lose it.
Either way is effective with how you prefer to write. I do both, depending on the specific project.
With our brand story, however, it behooves us to have a clear direction in how we shape it. We don’t have the luxury of spinning a novel-sized narrative to capture our audience’s attention. Our brand story must be succinct and clear, whether we use an outline to guide us or a formal plan or map. After we collect all our information, we then compose our “story” to connect and engage and build trust with our audience.
And this is where many draw a blank. One of the main questions I hear is: “How do I put my brand (or author) story together?” While I share and teach the “4 keys,” and the process to shape a business or author brand story, the composition can be challenging. Which is why I am hired to help my clients through the process. But if you are already a writer, you may be able to put your information together in a cohesive story on your own.
I am all about simplicity. So here is a 7-step process to craft your brand story narrative. This is a process used by writers of memoir and fiction, so it makes sense that your brand/author story would follow the same course.
Your 7-Step brand story narrative
- Where you started. What was your current situation when you began your journey? Here is where you begin with your “why.” Why you started your company or organization or author journey.
After our CEO found it a challenge to buy skincare products without the use of harmful chemicals, she created better options.
- Breaking point. What happened to you that made you realize you needed to make or create change? What was the need that did not exist?
A weakening immune system and concern for her children’s future in a world of chemically induced personal care products, prompted the licensed chemist to develop a healthy solution.
- Your action. What action did you take to move the change forward?
Starting from her lab in her basement, she began experimenting with organic ingredients for lotions and creams that were both effective and safe.
- Climax. This is your peak, the pivotal moment in your life or your business. This is what you worked up to and where your ultimate goal is located.
At XYZ Company, we believe everyone should have access to healthy, safe beauty products. Located in 50,000 global retailers and online, we strive to make them available and affordable.
- Challenges. What were your challenges? What mistakes did you make, even after you reached your goal?
Finding organic ingredients wasn’t easy. They were expensive and she was forced to outsource outside of the country, obliging her to manage more than create.
- More solutions. How did you overcome your challenges? How did those challenges help you create further solutions?
Purchasing 500 acres of land, she grew her own ingredients before eventually sourcing farmers with the same ethics and values she shared toward producing safe products. Today, the XYX Company is a multi-million-dollar global company which continues its mission to expand its efforts toward a healthy home and environment.
- Results. In stories, we call this part resolution. What are the results of your climb? Of your solutions to what others — your audience — need?
To date, over 2 million consumers report improved health; nearly 10 thousand farms contribute to XYZ’s mission; and several new safe household and personal care products are added to our line every year.
As you can garner from this totally made-up brand story (and if this sounds like your company, it is purely coincidental) putting the story pieces together is less complicated when you have laid out your journey in chunks. The story does not have to be labor intensive, but it does need to be clear and told with your consumer, reader, or investor — your audience — in mind.
Another way I have seen a company brand story laid out well is through a timeline, from the founding year to the present, and the years that were crucial in its journey. As consumers, we love a good story, especially one that starts with people whose needs are like ours. Seeing the growth, and hearing the challenges they overcame, inspires us to stick with them as they move forward in their goals and mission to produce something better that benefits us.
Your honest brand story will help you achieve the connections and community you seek from your audience.
Your organization’s brand story or author story helps us connect and engage with our audience. Once you have all the elements of your brand story, you can piece everything together in a cohesive narrative. Your goals are to create connection and a trusting community who will follow your journey and support you along the way.
Photo by Noelle Otto
Need help telling your business or author story? My brand training helps you live your brand by recognizing your story and learning how to use it effectively to enhance engagement and increase sales. To learn more, reach out to me at
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