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How effective is your open door policy?

How effective is your open door policy?

Opinions vary regarding management’s open door policy. Some feel this is a way to have full knowledge of what is happening within the company walls. Others are concerned that it is a time sucker since managers and leadership have a lot on their plate already. What is...
Are you challenging your employees?

Are you challenging your employees?

Challenging your employees means you see their potential and ask them to push further. You might give them an assignment that is harder than what they’re used to, especially if it moves beyond their comfort zone. Why challenge employees? As an organization, and as a...
Be a positive example for your employees

Be a positive example for your employees

What kind of vibes does your work environment have? When you walk through the workplace, are your employees smiling? Are they productive? Most people can sense attitudes in an atmosphere (the importance of which I discussed in another post). If employees are happy, a...