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How to Tell Your Unique Story to Grow Your Business

How to Tell Your Unique Story to Grow Your Business

Often when I see a commercial from a brand that has been around for decades, their famous slogan or jingle will pop into my head. Ones from earlier years were ingrained in me at a young age, and some are still around. “What can brown do for you?” United Parcel...
Find Your Inner Story and Increase Sales

Find Your Inner Story and Increase Sales

A few years ago when I was struggling with my health and weight issues, a friend gave me a book written by a renowned doctor in a specific field, on a particular dietary lifestyle (because everyone’s health is different, I don’t share or suggest medical advice). For...
Using your newsletters to tell your story

Using your newsletters to tell your story

For any of us who have had bedtime stories read to us, or we read them ourselves, we realized how soothing stories can be. Stories create images in our minds and take us to places we didn’t even know existed if not for the books that shelter the words. Stories can...
Creating moving stories about our organization

Creating moving stories about our organization

Everyone and everything has a story, whether real or imagined. When it comes to your organization, you have more stories within your business and programs than you realize. Sometimes it takes some standing back to see it, other times, it takes someone on the outside...