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Why writers should be concerned with quality

Why writers should be concerned with quality

Not long ago I wrote about how important it is for writers to be excellent editors. It’s true that mistakes happen, especially if you have a lot of people reviewing your work and making their own suggested edits. And it’s worse when these people have no clue how to...
Finding support for your writing and goals

Finding support for your writing and goals

When I originally wrote this article, I had been coming out of COVID. Because I was extremely fatigued, and ill, I had to restrict myself to what I could reasonably handle. Such as cooking lots of soup. A LOT of soup. Since I had limited energy, I could not spend much...
Use your e-newsletter to share your brand story

Use your e-newsletter to share your brand story

One of my favorite series of novels is, “All Creatures Great and Small,” by James Herriott (aka James Alfred (“Alf) Wight), the Yorkshire veterinarian who, in the 1930s and beyond helped shed light on the challenges and joys of the veterinary practice. Not only is...
Craft your professional brand story

Craft your professional brand story

Accountants, physicians, investment advisors, attorneys and other professionals benefit from a brand story   Are you an accountant? A physician? An investment advisor? An attorney? These professionals and others benefit from sharing their brand story, though it...