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Are AI and technology damaging our creativity?

Are AI and technology damaging our creativity?

Recently, I was chatting with a friend about the pros and cons of artificial intelligence and its associated tools, such as ChatGPT and all the other copycats. Technology has its place in a writer’s life. After all, I would rather type out a story on a computer rather...
Should you hire a writing coach?

Should you hire a writing coach?

My first writing coach was my editor back when I was a newspaper reporter. He taught me how to structure my stories better; write openings that were effective; and how to use quotes to bring out the interviewee’s personality, for good or for bad. He’d make me rewrite...
Why self-care is essential to run your business

Why self-care is essential to run your business

Back when I decided that working for myself as a freelance writer would allow me a lot of freedom, I quickly learned that running a business brings with it a lot of stress (and little freedom). The idea of working from your home office sounds appealing until you...