Why self-care is essential to run your business

Why self-care is essential to run your business

Back when I decided that working for myself as a freelance writer would allow me a lot of freedom, I quickly learned that running a business brings with it a lot of stress (and little freedom). The idea of working from your home office sounds appealing until you...
Psychological effects of change and how to adapt

Psychological effects of change and how to adapt

How are you at change? Some change is exciting; other kinds of change aren’t too involved. Some people adapt well to change and are able to move forward quickly. They learn what’s necessary, discontinue with the old and plow forward with the new. However, for most,...
Reinvigorate your ideas by relaxing

Reinvigorate your ideas by relaxing

Ahhh … springtime. That must mean two things: nature coming to life and golf. The change in weather after a few months of cold gloom means my mind is reinvigorated. But that doesn’t happen by chance; I have to actively create the place for my mind to blossom with...