Find your meaningful value proposition

Find your meaningful value proposition

Not every business has a grand story about how they got started. Some start in their kitchen before ballooning into a national chain of health food (okay, that’s a cool story). Or maybe someone trained extensively over the years in various avenues and when an idea...
Using AI to help with Communications

Using AI to help with Communications

Many years ago, when I was a reporter in a small town, it was rumored a large corporation was buying a mill that had recently closed and laid off everyone. Hundreds. It was the only employer in town, and about three generations of residents had worked there over the...

Leading with emotional intelligence during a pandemic

Kara Goldin, founder and CEO of Hint Inc., joins me for this episode of Internal Comms Talk. Kara’s first book, “Undaunted: Overcoming Doubts and Doubters,” was released this past October. She also hosts the podcast: The Kara Goldin Show. Leaders set the example in...

Emotional intelligence and communications

Companies desire high-performing teams. Leaders and managers who communicate effectively have teams who outperform competitors and help organizations achieve their bottom line. The heart of effective communication is the ability to lead with emotional intelligence....