Art of Writing: Focus on quality to establish your brand

Art of Writing: Focus on quality to establish your brand

I’m newly obsessed with the latest History Channel documentary: “How Disney Built America.” All the documentaries on the foods, brands, toys, etc., that “built America” fascinate me and I truly wish I was that genius to come up with something amazing. But I digress....
Why Polish Your Writing

Why Polish Your Writing

As a writer and an editor, I live with a red pen in my head, and it’s constantly moving. Even when I listen to others speak, unfortunately, that red pen is editing their words and sentences. I can’t help it. It’s a disease. Heck, I do it to myself! And it’s worse when...
Should writers edit their work?

Should writers edit their work?

As writers, we enjoy focusing on the creative. We love to use our imaginations and put it on paper with words that form beautiful prose. Even writing business material takes a lot of talent and enthusiasm to pen meaningful thoughts and advice. But what about the...