Speak to your audience through your story

Speak to your audience through your story

What do you notice when you ask someone about something he is passionate about? Doesn’t he start off on this exciting path of a story, telling it from birth to present, with finite details and side stories? He’s intimately attuned to all the nuances of this thing that...
Engage with Your Audience Through Your Story

Engage with Your Audience Through Your Story

Brand storytelling is more than just “once upon a time” to “the end.” For companies, it’s taking data and customer challenges and weaving them into content that is interesting, telling, and more narrative than corporate speak. And interestingly, your story can be told...
Find Your Inner Story and Increase Sales

Find Your Inner Story and Increase Sales

A few years ago when I was struggling with my health and weight issues, a friend gave me a book written by a renowned doctor in a specific field, on a particular dietary lifestyle (because everyone’s health is different, I don’t share or suggest medical advice). For...