Don’t cheapen your writing with AI

Don’t cheapen your writing with AI

Have you noticed that the products you are used to buying, whether food, clothing, or appliances, have not only been more expensive, but the quality has declined? I shop every week for groceries, so I know how much the prices have skyrocketed. But I also know that I...
Are AI and technology damaging our creativity?

Are AI and technology damaging our creativity?

Recently, I was chatting with a friend about the pros and cons of artificial intelligence and its associated tools, such as ChatGPT and all the other copycats. Technology has its place in a writer’s life. After all, I would rather type out a story on a computer rather...
Should you hire a writing coach?

Should you hire a writing coach?

My first writing coach was my editor back when I was a newspaper reporter. He taught me how to structure my stories better; write openings that were effective; and how to use quotes to bring out the interviewee’s personality, for good or for bad. He’d make me rewrite...
Improve your writing through critique and criticism

Improve your writing through critique and criticism

Many of us who have been writing for a number of years understand the potential pain of someone critiquing our work. But as writers, we also know we have to develop a thick skin. Our work will always be under the radar. Mark Twain said: “Tomorrow night I appear for...