Not every business has a grand story about how they got started. Some start in their kitchen before ballooning into a national chain of health food (okay, that’s a cool story). Or maybe someone trained extensively over the years in various avenues and when an idea came to him, he ran with it, and took his experience with him to become the CEO of a Fortune 500 company he founded.

In my case, a number of personal and professional experiences and training helped me shape my business into what it is today. I’ve been writing professionally for over 20 years; I’m a strong interviewer and love people and enjoy fashioning their experiences into amazing stories they didn’t know existed; and I know what it’s like to be your own advocate, but also how nice it is to have someone in your arena to support you.

That’s why I formed my programs into areas I know well: training and writing. Connecting with people. Coaching and advocating for their talent. Treating them with dignity and professionalism. And ultimately helping organizations to live their brand.

But all this took me years to hone. And appreciate. Emotional intelligence is a huge factor in working with others, playing nice in the sandbox, as it were. Not everyone can do that.

I’ve written a lot in the last few weeks about ascertaining what makes you unique. The keys to finding your brand story.

Understanding your own value is another step in shaping your brand story. Your value proposition is your credibility. What gives you the right to service your audience? What makes your organization attractive?

Let’s dive into that.


Find your value proposition

When discerning your value proposition, you are looking at your credibility. What are the things that shaped you? What experiences have you had that helped you form your business?

Dig into what is meaningful. First to you, but then to your audience. Remember, you are trying to create an emotional connection with them so they will feel comfortable buying your products or services. What experiences connect you to them?

As you build your credibility, you are helping your audience to trust you. We do business with people we like and feel comfortable with. You should have a good product for sure, but it won’t mean anything if you can’t sell it because no one trusts you. Through your personal and professional experiences, you show your audience why they should have confidence in your organization. And you.

In other words: what gives you the right to service your audience?

Include in your value proposition others you’ve helped, the results, and their testimonials. Again, this strengthens your credibility.

We do business with people we like and feel comfortable with.

Attract your audience

People are drawn to things they see themselves in. If they see you can solve a problem for them, they will be hooked. What makes your organization attractive to your audience?

Makeup on an ugly woman will only go so far, especially if the disagreeableness stems from within. Makeup is designed to enhance the already attractive features on a woman. But a woman who is kind, sweet, intelligent, and a joy to be around will make her attractive inside and outside.

Likewise, your personal experiences will help your expertise to be attractive to others looking for your services or products. Your story that highlights your value will show others why you are the right person and the right organization to bring about change.

Be authentic and honest about your humble beginnings. But talk about and show your worth so your audience will have confidence you can help them.

Your personal experiences will help your expertise to be attractive to others looking for your services or products.

Ask yourself:

  1. Why is your organization the right organization to bring about change?
  2. How does your experience(s) tie into your expertise?
  3. What makes your organization attractive to your audience?

Understanding your own value is another step in shaping your brand story. Your value proposition is your credibility. Make it meaningful by showing your audience what gives you the right to service them, and what makes your organization attractive. As you build your credibility through your personal and professional experiences, you show your audience why they should have confidence in your organization. And you.

(Photo by Antoni Shkraba from Pexels)

Need help telling your business or author story? My brand training helps you live your brand by recognizing your story and learning how to use it effectively to enhance engagement and increase sales. Find out more here and book a call with me!